Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer, Sunshine, Sunblock and... Bug Spray!

Summer, sunshine, sunblock and bug spray!  Yes, summer is here there is no doubt about that!  Spring seems but a sweet distant memory!  No complaints, one just has to remember to prepare for what seem like daily afternoon thunderstorms.  They have been powerful and  loud, leaving messy streets and yards but creating such very beautiful skies!
Speaking of creating, we are in the process of re-creating our website.  Soon we will have a great new look.  So, be sure to let us know what you think.  We are also adding lovely new items.  Yes, the bugs will still be around of course, but there will be more butterflies, flowers and much more to choose from.

Watch out for new videos too!  They will be coming soon.  We always welcome any constructive criticism.  So if you have anything you would like to share with us please do.   Enjoy summer and all the beautiful wildlife out there, there is a lot more around than you realize, you just have to be aware.

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