Thursday, December 22, 2011

Seasons Greeting and Happy Holidays

Wow, as I sat to write this, I could not help but notice the date of  our last blog as July 22.  Exactly 5 months ago to the day!  How time has flown!  

Dan, our Head Bugman's favorite quote "Time flies when you're having fun" ... It sure has!  I have not completed half the things I had intended, but there's always tomorrow, right?  

No... there may not be!  Whatever it is you are planning to do, or hoping to do, or wanting to do...

     Possibly bird watching, taking a needed rest, or a picnic...

Do it Now!

Not being an angel of doom or anything, but coming from one who lost her beloved mother at 56, her older-wiser-always-there-for-her sister at 41, way too young yes, but such is life!  

We just don't know what tomorrow holds, so live for today ... and make it the very best day of the rest of your life!  On this note I seize this moment to wish you all health, wealth and joy in all areas of your life.  

May we all have Peace, Love and Happiness this Season
                                     ...and beyond...

Remember... NOW is the time... Carpe Diem 2012!  

I am, and thus from Bambina Bug Girl Irene, farewell!