Thursday, December 22, 2011

Seasons Greeting and Happy Holidays

Wow, as I sat to write this, I could not help but notice the date of  our last blog as July 22.  Exactly 5 months ago to the day!  How time has flown!  

Dan, our Head Bugman's favorite quote "Time flies when you're having fun" ... It sure has!  I have not completed half the things I had intended, but there's always tomorrow, right?  

No... there may not be!  Whatever it is you are planning to do, or hoping to do, or wanting to do...

     Possibly bird watching, taking a needed rest, or a picnic...

Do it Now!

Not being an angel of doom or anything, but coming from one who lost her beloved mother at 56, her older-wiser-always-there-for-her sister at 41, way too young yes, but such is life!  

We just don't know what tomorrow holds, so live for today ... and make it the very best day of the rest of your life!  On this note I seize this moment to wish you all health, wealth and joy in all areas of your life.  

May we all have Peace, Love and Happiness this Season
                                     ...and beyond...

Remember... NOW is the time... Carpe Diem 2012!  

I am, and thus from Bambina Bug Girl Irene, farewell!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Heading towards Fall in a Heatwave!

As I write this, a large portion of the country is experiencing life-threatening heat!  Not just today though, some areas have experienced record temperatures in triple digits for almost a record number of days. The National Weather Service  was quoted in of Longview, Texas, as saying the drop to 98 on Tuesday ended the streak of 19 days in triple digits, just three days shy of the record.  The record was set in 1938, when it reached 100 degrees or more for 21 straight days, National Weather Service officials said.
July 22 2011 Temperatures
 Whew!  All I can say is thank goodness for air-conditioning.  That brings to mind, those who do not have it.  I cannot imagine how workers get up on those hot roofs and do what they do in that heat.  I was up on my roof a few days ago, for just a few minutes cleaning one problematic gutter and in only a few minutes I was literally "sweating like a porker".   

So thank you to all of you who work "up there" on days like this!  Actually, everyone who labors away in the elements, you have my absolute admiration!

I suspect the heat did not worry the Bumble Bee much...

                     But Squirrel was another story.  "Please, let me in" he begged....

Okay, enough about the heat now!  It rained a little during lunch, just enough to cool us down ever so slightly, and then turn into a very muggy, humid afternoon.  Not too great for us, the humans, but we all know that certain little creepers, crawlers and all sorts of bugs really like it so!

So on that note I will end off.   Remember to hydrate!  Have a wonderful weekend and hopefully you may spend some quality time outside and possibly go chasing a butterfly or two or find some cute water gliders, if you are lucky!
                                                          Till next time!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer, Sunshine, Sunblock and... Bug Spray!

Summer, sunshine, sunblock and bug spray!  Yes, summer is here there is no doubt about that!  Spring seems but a sweet distant memory!  No complaints, one just has to remember to prepare for what seem like daily afternoon thunderstorms.  They have been powerful and  loud, leaving messy streets and yards but creating such very beautiful skies!
Speaking of creating, we are in the process of re-creating our website.  Soon we will have a great new look.  So, be sure to let us know what you think.  We are also adding lovely new items.  Yes, the bugs will still be around of course, but there will be more butterflies, flowers and much more to choose from.

Watch out for new videos too!  They will be coming soon.  We always welcome any constructive criticism.  So if you have anything you would like to share with us please do.   Enjoy summer and all the beautiful wildlife out there, there is a lot more around than you realize, you just have to be aware.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Here at Natureitis the Buzz is...

Things are buzzing around nicely here at Natureitis.  We recently fluttered onto the the social scene... mmm... now that would be the Social Media scene, with our new Facebook page, our Twitter handle, our YouTube channel and ... our blog!  On Facebook, we are not quite as popular as Leo Messi yet, but are working on it and hope to soon be shouting... gggoooooaaalll met, when we have, let's say 100 fans strike the ball, oh sorry, strike our "Like" button.  Okay, by now you should get it.  As well as liking bugs and beetles and creeping creatures, we are soccer fans!  Who knows what this blog would be like were it being written during the World Cup last year.  Mmmm, remember???  The excitement!  The anticipation!  The feisty fury of the fans when Ghana lost, probably due to the handball by, we won't mention his name, but dare we mention this word, Vuvuzela?  And then the final, what a game!  Four minutes from the end of extra time, and Andres Iniesta scored the winning goal for Spain.

Okay, talking about goals, let's get back to the business of our goals!   Accumulating fans, friends and followers  is a goal yes!  But really what our intention is, is to make contact, keep contact and have cool communications with our customers.  So, if you have anything to say, or share we would love to hear from you.   Meanwhile, we are eagerly anticipating Saturday's final at Wembley!   Mmmm... wonder who will win?  What's the buzz?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Nature Gifts by Natureitis - get crazy about #nature

This is our first blog post from Natureitis. We are crazy about Nature! We have a wide variety of items such as key chains, paperweights, necklaces, computer mouse with a nature theme, and much more. We are based in Black Mountain North Carolina, about 15 minutes East of Asheville NC, and we ship anywhere. If you are looking for a gift, we have plenty. Check out our website